Part 85: 11/17/09 - 11/20/09

Looks like we're gonna be in Kyoto for the rest of the week, huh? Exciting stuff.

So, there's a fair few anime scenes here that are all... very short. This is the longest one of the trip, for reference.

Anyway, it begins proper with a train pulling into a station at Kyoto and everyone disembarks in a quick transition.

Meanwhile, Yukari's sort of just off on her own...

But still takes the chance to look at... Mitsuru... smiling and laughing with Fuuka and Aigis. Huh.

> The sun has already set...

for obvious reasons this track only plays while we're here, so enjoy it while it lasts

...Goddammit, Junpei. Remember your character progression?

So, we've got the chance to look around Godaigo a bit. There's no inn or whatever called Godaigo in Kyoto as far as I know; near as I can tell, it's just named after a former Emperor of Japan but I could be totally wrong about that.

So, we'll just take the opportunity to wander and talk to folks.

Speaking of surprises, there's a few more people we can talk to around here that weren't around in vanilla...

For what its worth, having Nozomi hanging around here is the entire reason I started his link early. We'll be seeing plenty of the Best S.Link in the near future, don't worry.

Before I forget, we're gonna buy some Nama-yatsuhashi. There's 4 snacks available here, but we'll only grab this one.

We will, soon. Got one more conversation down here first...

goddammit kenji

The only thing else downstairs is the hot springs door to the right of Kenji and Kaz. We can't go in there, though, which is completely fine with me.
Let's just head on upstairs!

There's not many people up here worth talking to. Akihiko's it, even.

But there's also a vending machine here that sells 3 drinks we can only ever get in Kyoto. It is highly recommended to buy at least one of each before we're done. Getting it outta the way now.

Up on the third floor, there's not many people to talk to either. At least Yuko's hanging out by a vending machine (same contents as the one on the second floor).

It's only 120 yen to find out. And you're right there...

> She looks like a person with no soul.
Also, uh, Mitsuru's here but, uh....

Aigis, Fuuka and Yukari are nowhere we can find though. They might be in a room on the third floor, but Makoto can't enter those for obvious reasons.

So, we'll just go to bed and see what the first real day of the trip has in store for us.

In an oddly disappointing move, we don't really get to see much in Kyoto. Like, at all.

There's little animated snippets that are just stills that pan and become photographs.

And really, its only plural in the stricted definition because its two. That's it.
That's the first day of Kyoto. There's still some stuff left before the day actually ends proper, but like... we don't really get to see or do much of anything here.
> You went sightseeing around Kyoto aboard a tour bus...
> Visiting the places in person was much more exciting than seeing them in photographs.
> In the afternoon, everyone went their seperate ways at the Kamogawa near the hotel.

like before this is very highly recommended to just watch the video instead


Yukari, you're the only one blushing here...

I don't know if its just me, but I so prefer Penthesilea's design to Artemisia. Anyway, she's... the first evolved Persona we've seen that's still Greek, and the second that's based on a real person. Artemisia I of Caria was the queen of the city-state of Halicarnassus and several nearby islands.

So now we get to, uh, wander around the inn a bit more. Yup. Exciting!

So, we'll head back down to the ground floor and work our way up like before.

Right, so, that was basically just sort of an explanation to justify the developers not being assed to make a second character model...

It's good to know that even Bebe is a fan of the Steel Samurai. Somehow he didn't strike me as the tokusatsu type, but I'm glad to be proven wrong.

...I, uh, will leave you to that wonderful mental image and just... go back upstairs now.

Granted, the second floor only has Akihiko for us, so we'll head on up to the third as well.

After having every other S.Link character give some reason or excuse for why they (understandably) don't have a second model for today, I'm not sure whether its disappointing or a nice change that Yuko does't even try...

...Oh well, I'm sure that this trip will prove to have a use beyond giving Mitsuru a different locale for her persona to evolve.

Though much like before...

It starts off with just some panning anime stills to become photos.

...And like before, it is just two.
> Mitsuru-senpai seems to have cheered up...
> She's being friendly with her classmates, and Yukari.
> Something must have happened.
It is kinda weird that we get to see scenes where Makoto isn't involved... and then the narration acts like we don't know what happened.

Anyway, that's it for now and we just get to... wander around the inn again. Yep. We'll break new ground and start at the top and work our way down today.

Mainly because Junpei's... up to something. Well, that can't be good.

Also for today, and today only, Akihiko acts as a save point. Just like at the beach at Yakushima!

goddammit kenji

Oh right, I nearly forgot. The reason Kenji and Kaz get to have a double-act while everyone else is off on their own is because starting their S.Links is mandatory. Kenji asked us to hangout all of once at the start and that triggered his. Kaz's is less obvious, but if we didn't join a sports club, then Toriumi would have railroaded us into it because being in a club is mandatory. SEES doesn't count, of course.

If Bebe is referring to something other than "which is better" then I have no idea what it could be.

I wouldn't have thought candy and crackers would fall into the category of "gourmet cuisine", but I guess that's why I'm not gourmet royalty.

We can't just go to bed without agreeing to hanging out with Junpei et al., but I'm sure this'll be fine. He wouldn't bring Akihiko if it was gonna be bad or anything. That'd be silly.

> Junpei and Ryoji seem to be acting strange...

...Wait, hang on...

And right on cue, the door audibly opens. Oh dear...

...What do you mean "act," Ryoji???

So, uh, it's time for a dumb minigame. Everyone's favourite!

Now, I don't know about you, but... I quite like being alive. So, we'll head up the left here and... see Yukari and Fuuka. Okay, they meant THEIR right. Obviously.

Quickly then gonna pull a u-turn, try to not get hung up on anyone else following behind us (a thing that is very common both here and in Tartarus) and head over to the right-most wall and just... hang out here for like a minute.

So, now they're gonna check out the right-hand side and... Aigis is blocking the way up. Okay, so we can't go that way. Welp, it was fun living while it las--

Oh. See, Fuuka and Yukari are idiots here. Rather than actually just go up the right-hand side, they... go back up the left, circle around and then go down the right instead.

Because they are masters of planning, we can just hang out over by the left wall for another minute.

So, once again: this should end with us getting instantly caught and... executed... but Yukari and Fuuka are idiots. They go back up the right-hand side and THEN split with Yukari coming down the left and Fuuka down the right.

After a few seconds, we can hide in here. Can't just do it immediately, because Fuuka will see you out of her peripheral vision, get confused, be semi-alerted... immediately lose sight of you and then loop that forever. And once that starts, she doesn't move at all even if you leave.

It's kinda dumb and this bad random stealth segment is dumber. Thankfully, it's over now.

...Well, at least those two got what was coming to 'em. Sorta.

Let's, uh, let's just pretend that this never happened. That'd be nice.

Junpei... how are you so bad at everything, when we're at Kyoto?

Honestly, I'm just glad it's over now...

In fact, it's so over now that we just skip to being back in the dorm!

Let's, uh, not tell the 11 year old about what you and Ryoji were up to, maybe?

We probably should go back to Tartarus soon, yeah. We took a while going the first time this month, and it's already nearly December.

Probably just, uh, a temperature thing... yeah, that'll be it...

No, no, definitely nothing serious and stupid and anime. Not at all. Why would you even think that? Don't be silly. That's silly.

That... wouldn't have made it any better.

That's silly, Aki. How bad could it possibly have been?
How Bad? posted:
So, uh, shit. I guess we... got caught immediately. This is the left side, not the right! I feel lied to.
W-Wait! Th-This is just a misunderstanding...!
I'm going to execute you all!
It was nice knowing you.
Well, at least we're... not dead...?
An Unpleasant Premonition
How could I after last night...?
That truly was an "execution"...
...Just try to forget about it.
Iwatodai Dorm
Would you like another?
> She's ignoring you...
Just a reminder...
Everyone is tired from the trip, so we're not going to explore Tartarus tonight.
See you tomorrow...
As a penalty, I shall not converse with you for the rest of the day.
Commencing ignore mode.
Don't worry, I'm not mad anymore...
But, I still think you should thank us for punishing you guys...
We saved you from making the same mistake in the future.
I don't remember anything about it.
We were forced to commit the crime, against our will. We were victims too.
Now, please do not mention it ever again.
And they never did! This somehow doesn't have any negative impacts at all beyond the girls being a bit, justifiably, miffed tonight. Come morning all is forgotten.
But, well, since we didn't get caught I guess we'll never know.

Anyway, hey, we can take Koromaru out tonight. Let's do that!

> You spoke with Ken for a while.

At least Ken got a nice, relaxing few days to just hang out with noted best boy, Koromaru.

Since the month's nearly over, we really should go back to Tartarus very soon. We'll be bringing Junpei with us as penance for making us deal with the hot springs stuff. And maybe to knock some sense back into him.

Yukari's Magic stat is very impressive, but it's less of a scale-shifter now than it looks. She's two levels of Garudyne at least, so she'll be getting the Vayu Bracers whenever we don't need to deal with lots of elec-dudes.

Akihiko's, well, Akihiko. That he has Boosted (and Amped) Ziodynes is nice. His debuffs are more important, by far, though. Fist Master is still weird filler that he really doesn't need but it does help with trash fights... in those times when anyone that isn't Makoto ever gets turns in them.

Still don't like Artemisia as much, design-wise. I dunno, she just looks kinda bad to me. Anyway, she only gives Mitsuru access to 4 more skills but that's fine. That Diarahan is the first isn't too shabby. Also, note that she has 51 Magic. And Bufudyne. And Ice Boost. And Mind Charge. And the Varna Bracers for good measure.
She, uh, she kinda just managed to leave everyone so far behind that the only person she doesn't beat straight-up now is Makoto. And that's not a fair comparison purely because he's got the Wild Card. Mitsuru is Powerful.

Aigis is... kinda weird at this point. She's one level of Marakukaja at last, but that's functionally her capstone. It'll make sense later, don't worry. That last skill is... different. We won't be getting it for a while longer than you'd think.

Koromaru is Koromaru. He has gotten no better nor worse since last time, except now his numbers are slightly bigger. That he's still not gotten Mudoon just yet is weird, but it'll solve itself quickly enough. Having High Counter by default is nice, since it technically frees his accessory slot open to things that aren't the Berserker's Seal but there's not much TO give him in its stead. Agni Bracer is the best option, but like... he has 32 Magic.
But, Koromaru is Koromaru.

Ken is still kinda really bad, but since he just got Mediarama, Hama Boost AND Ziodyne in rapid succession, he managed to salvage some degree of use. Mediarama makes him the only person other than Yukari capable of multi-target healing, which isn't too bad. Hama Boost lets him make it significantly easier to instakill trash with Hamaon which is nice. Ziodyne is Ziodyne. He's still not anywhere near the better folks in the team, but he's managed to claw himself up out of dead last.